Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Monday, 27 April 2015

Non Drip Gloss

A new fun image called Non Drip Gloss would you let him a loose with your decorating? He has more paint on himself and the floor oh dear me. Mind you I have to say I am not much better with a paint brush!

You will find this image along with lots of other fabulous images HERE

More details on this card can be found over on myblog.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Attention! Its Corporal Clegg.

Right Troops! Now I have your attention - Here is Corporal Clegg. Isn't he Ace!
I pondered for ages as to what colours to go with and got loads of inspiration from the Dr Digi Pinterest boards. Now here is a direct order - "GO TAKE A LOOK AT THE BOARDS." There are some fabulous creations and you can all add your amazing cards with us. Don't be shy - I love seeing what you make with Dr Digi's and is great when my Mojo goes Missing in Action.

If you want the card recipe - your can find it over on my blog. Leave me a comment to say "HI" is you do call by.

All for now from me - Got to go and earn some crust.
Take care,
Liz (:(|)x

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Spring Clean Sonia

When I was making this card, it really seemed like spring was here....but that didn't last long.  Now it's back to winter coats.  Of course, wouldn't you know it....I was really in the mood for some spring cleaning.  As luck would have it, that mood has now passed, and now I'll be hoping that this lovely lady comes to life and takes over.  Maybe she can come to your house too.   This is another fun image from Dr Digi's House of Stamps and you can find her here.  It is always much more fun to colour the mop and bucket than actually use it!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Green Fingers and Thumbs

It's the time of year to start coaxing those seedlings  and giving them ideas of what they shall become, in this case a large marrow or a very fat cucumber! We used to have marrow a fair bit as a kid, but I never see it these days, mind you I don't go anywhere near allotments so that might be why! I'll have to ask the person I gave this card to! For a 50th I would usually go mad on the sarcasm on the front of the card but being the nice best friend I am, I couldn't do that. Nope........ I saved all the sarcasm and rudeness for the inside of the card!

You can find Green Fingers and Thumbs HERE, hope you all have a good weekend
Ruth x

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

FaceBook Spot Prize

Been a while since we had a spot prize, so time to sort that out..
This time the lucky crafter in question is Maria L G Concepción,
She's got a spot prize for being our 490th like on Facebook.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Goon From The Lagoon

Sometimes an image is perfect for a Birthday card especially when the recipient can look just as grumpy! The Goon From The Lagoon is available to buy in the store!

Monday, 20 April 2015

Gnome Sweet Gnome

Do you have Gnomes at the bottom of your garden? This des res has all the mod cons, it is very snuggly and warm inside. Not sure if the barrel is for storing water or beer!

You will find this image along with lots of other fabulous images HERE

More details on this card can be found over on myblog.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Mystic Mabel sees a Party.

I knew you'd be here... Mystic Mabel told me it would be so!

I'm struggling on a weekly basis to choose which Image I want to create with as they are all so fab.... But Mystic Mabel had predicted me stopping by and drew my attention so here she is.
I'm really pleased with how her Crystal Ball turned out - I used Glaze that I sprinkled with Glitter whilst it was still wet.
Full details for the Card Recipe are over on my Blog.
Thanks for visiting but obviously it was written in the tea leaves...
Liz x

Friday, 17 April 2015

Biffo The Clown (pre coloured)

It's the weekend in just a few hours, you'd think Biffo would look a little more cheerful, although Biffo has been around for a few years now and the prospect of children's parties full of noise and e numbers does not fill him with great enthusiasm, he'd rather be down the pub with a pint watching the football!

You can find the cheerful Biffo (Colour) HERE, his black and white counterpart HERE and the top part of the sentiment HERE

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Well Sunday marked a little bit of a mile stone and I thought I'd share with you lot ( I waited till today so as not to interfere with our DTs amazing posts.) As you might have guessed from our little celebratory image, we've reached 50,000 views on the blog!  It's really rewarding to know that all the work we put into sharing our digis and our design teams work is reaching so many of you eager crafters.  So here's a ginormous thanks to each and every one of you and here's to the next 50,000

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Professor Dummkopf

Well, as with any good team, people come and go.  And there have been quite a few going where I work and here is one of the cards I made for the occasion:

The wording on the front is an 'in joke' across the office so I won't explain it!  Prof Dummkopf is available to buy in the store.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Best in Show

Daisy has won best in show and Bertha does not look best pleased!
Woo-Hoo what a giant marrow! It will feed a whole village.

You will find these images along with lots of other fabulous images HERE

More details on this card can be found over on myblog.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Cake and Candles - I love the Cake!

Gosh - Its Sunday again and this week has flown by but I loved seeing the BRAND NEW images on in the shop.

I love this new image - called Cake and Candles. It is so versatile and an absolute essential image that can be used again and again. And the beauty of all Digi images you colour it or paper piece it to match any of your stash. (And I know you all hoard crafty like I do!)

Don't forget to post your creations on the Pinterest board - I love seeing what you create.
If you want to see more details and the Recipe for my card have a look HERE on my blog.
All for now - Till next week,
Lilibet (:(|)x

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Comfy Caterpillar

I love the Alice in Wonderland film.
Especially the caterpillar is so great.
I like it when he blows out the smke of his shisha.
It is so mystical.
As I was child I always thought something very
 special would happen if you go trough the smoke.

Unfortunaly it is very difficult to catch the smoke on a card.
But I tried and hope you like the way it came out.

HERE can you find the Comfy Caterpillar.
And HERE you can read more about the card.

Lovely weekend to you all.


Mobility Malcolm

Here we go, with another fun image from Dr Digi's House of Stamps, titled Mobility Malcolm.  With the golden years fast approaching, perhaps we should start checking out some new wheels.  My younger brother likes to hit the road on a smart red motorcycle.  I'm thinking maybe this model and colour combo would be perfect when he has to trade up to four wheels.  We'll see what he says at his birthday.  lol

Friday, 10 April 2015

Baking Brian

What a beautiful day it is here and what a beautiful cake Brian has baked, he can cook in my kitchen anytime he likes if those are the cakes that will appear! Mind you it needs to be tall to take all the candles that would be needed for my upcoming birthday! 

You can find Baking Brian HERE or Brian's fabulous cake HERE, one of Dr D's wonderful £1 digis. Hope you all have a good weekend
Ruth x

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Paint Cans

I don't know what is more daunting - seeing open paint cans or the actual house move.....

Still at least these paint cans from Dr Digi are easy to use and won't break the bank!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Nightcap Derek

Nightcap Derek  is not too steady on those legs, let’s hope he does not burn the house down!.   He looks such a charmers bless him. 

You will find him along with lots of other fabulous images HERE
More details on this card can be found over on myblog.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

I'm the Infected Newbie bringing you Strongo The Magnificent...

Hello - this is my first ever post for Dr Digi - and I def caught the bug! (Sorry- no more Medical puns I promise!!)
I'm chuffed to bits to be part of this team as I love the images - they are so much fun and full of Humor. Great images for those hard to make Mens Cards.

So... here goes........

I used Strongo The Magnificent - and I really enjoyed colouring him with Promarkers. And he would be perfect for so many different occasions. You can find all the details and card recipe over at my Blog

I will be back with you soon - until then I'd love to know what you think and see what you make with this fab image!

Happy Easter everyone, 
Lilibet, (:(|)x

Friday, 3 April 2015

Cuddly Critters Pig

 As this is the weekend we pig out on Easter Eggs, I decided Cuddly Critter Pig was the image for this week's card. I then couldn't resist adding an insult, mainly because the person is only a week older than me but he's still older and that's what counts!

You can find Cuddly Critter Pig HERE, I also used  Hole In One Hal's backing paper which can be found HERE, hope you all have a lovely weekend with lots of goodies

Ruth x