Thursday, 28 February 2013

Morris and Mildred

Stella Hughes is new to the world of digi stamps and recently discovered Dr Digi. 
What better place to get your first digi stamps from? Here's Stella's first ever card,
she chose "Morris and Mildred" and I gotta say it's great!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

How It All Began...

'Twas late the night o' Christmas Eve whilst other boys were goofing, but not the three you see before, for they had destiny.  Bundled in their downy coats the trio set out to singing.
Some would laud, some would clap, some would ask for autographs, so nary once did they give up, to be the best around.  Lads they were, barely a hair grew from their cheeks, but wow the crowds, they did indeed with their tenor, baritone and occasional squeak of puberty.
Far and wide in their little town, they were crowned a sort of celebrity.  They'd pack the streets, the tents, the pubs, even once ol' Ms. Murphy's bakery. 
Legends they are and always will be...from those they left behind. So if you're ever in Carlingford, sit a spell and take a pint and smile as you hear the tale of  three best friends that sang with their hearts, affectionately known as We Three Kings.

Each time I see one of Dr. Digi's House of Stamps images, I can't immediately put them on anything. I have to color them up and study them for days. There is such a story to each of these characters and when I saw this stamp, I knew there needed to be more to the story.
The 3 young men grew up and went off to college to pursue their singing careers. They met a few other men along the way and well.....maybe you've heard of them? 
To find out who they grew up to become you can visit my blog here

Thank you so much for the visit and I hope you've enjoyed this little story...
Hugs n' Happy Stamping,
Lisa xx

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

A Page From A Scrapbook

Deirdery found her old scrapbook when she was having a clear out last week and she wanted to share this page.  The photo has survived remarkably well along with the prize rosette.

Who would have thought she would have Green Fingers and Thumb!  Deirdery had a right chuckle when she remembered that she had originally anticipated entering the sunflower competition but had to make a change when the seed turned into a whopper of a marrow......!

Monday, 25 February 2013

New Design Team Member

 Wednesday is Lisa's last post for Dr Digi and though we're all really sorry to say goodbye
to a great DT member and all round nice person, we do have something to make us smile.
Kevin ( Kevin McCrafty to those in the know ) will be stepping in to the Wednesday slot
as our newest recruit. Have a look over at Kevin's blog for a taster of some of the fantastic
crafting we'll be seeing from him soon. We'll prove us guys can give the gals a run for their money.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Morris and Mildred

The newlyweds, Morris and Mildred from Dr. Dig's House of Stamps, are having their picture taken after tying the knot! While Morris is a little shellshocked by the ordeal, Mildred is pleased with the wedding celebration and loves being the center of attention!  Mildred is not concerned about the price tag of the festivities since she is expecting Morris to cough up the entire amount. Morris on the other hand plans to indulge in many shots of bourbon to give him courage to tell Mildred he is flat broke! Morris should skip the booze and head straight to Mexico, far, far away from Mildred!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Phwoar…What a Whopper!

Only last weekend the Doc (AKA Doctor Digi’s House of Stamps) caught me hanging out my smalls on Wash Day, this week he found me at work, gardening with my Green Fingers & Thumbs.
This is just one of the most recent fabulous releases….dash here quick for more!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Professor Dummkopf At Your Service

Professor Dummkopf has made huge advances in the field of

artificial intelligence. Unfortunately the artificial intelligence, while certainly artificial, it's not very intelligent.

He is a harmless old chap, perfect for birthday or retirement cards (he looks a lot like my old GP who retired a couple of years back!)and one of this week's new stamps at Dr Digi's House of Stamps

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Three Wishes...

I Dream of Genie here to grant three wishes to a lucky birthday recipient and the task is a piece of cake! So take a deep breath, blow out those candles and then run right on over to Dr. Digi's House of Stamps where you can grant another wish of owning the coolest digital stamps!
Thanks so much for your visit..
hugs n' happy stamping,
Lisa xx

I Dream of Genie

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Lady of Leisure

Ah, now this would be a perfect start to a Tuesday morning, especially if you are a lady of leisure.  Deirdery is just one of those, ahem, ladies.  And here she is (modesty protected by the rather 70's tub) thinking that the room could do with a make-over and that blasted tap is still dripping......

You too could be the proud owner of Bath Time Deirdery and give her pink hair and a lime green tub! 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Dr Digi's New Digis

It's that time, you can smell it in the air. I love the smell of digis in the morning.
Deirdery has got out into the green house to check on her prize marrow, and by 
jingo it's a whopper.
 Professor Dummkopf's proudest invention the Think-o-tron 2000 has been
decades in the making. He's not come up with the answer to life yet, but 
he makes a mean cuppa.

If you prefer single images we have then divided up into

Sunday, 17 February 2013


I wish I could take credit for creating the sentiment and using Headless from Dr. Digi's House of Stamps to create this fun birthday card but I can't. I did however make the buckle all by my little self. The credit goes to Chrissy including the bellyache I got from laughing at her wonderful card using Headless!

Saturday, 16 February 2013


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Airing ones ‘smalls’ outside on a breezy day is one of those joys of spring to look forward to…that and daffodils.

You can get Wash Day from Doctor Digi's House of Stamps.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Someone Call The Nurse

Here comes the nurse, rushing to your bedside, to ease your pain. Night Nurse Nina is kindness itself, always ready to dispense a kind word and a somewhat sexy smile! Just what you need to aid any recovery although maybe try and avoid any needles! She is a bargain at Dr Digi's House of Stamps as she only costs a £1!

Please check out my blog if you need any paper details

Ruth x

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Still Lonely

It may be Valentine's, but not every one has got that special someone. So
why not take advantage of the cold snap and make your self that perfect partner?
Nikki over at Inciwincy had exactly the same idea using Lonely this Christmas.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Happy Retirement Table Centerpiece

Retirement can be a joyous occasion and as soon as I saw this incredibly relaxing image, Feet Up and a Cuppa, from Dr. Digi's House of Stamps, I knew I had to place him in the perfect relaxing environment...his cozy cottage in his cozy chair.  So, here's the little house that Lisa built.
You'll notice there is no furniture inside the house, except for the relaxing gent, but I decided instead of furniture to make this a fun little retirement fund centerpiece for someones retirement party!
Here's what it looks like now...
So how fun is that? Not only do the Dr.'s images bring out the most hilarious and creative ideas for a card, but they are SUPER fun to create little environments for. Very versatile creations and you'll love coloring them up. So head on over to Dr. Digi's House of Stamps and start having fun now!!

Thanks so much for your visit and I hope you've enjoyed this project.
Hugs n' Happy Building...
Lisa xx

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Here is a little something to make you smile on a dreary morning!  Girl Tuesday here - I'm struggling to comprehend that its Tuesday already - serves me right for having such a jam-packed weekend!  And who from the house of Dr Digi is hanging out her washing?!  Now I have a feeling that it is Night Nurse Nina on her day off - who knows what she wears under her uniform - her red fingernails are a dead giveaway.

I think I'll be using Wash Day quite often as I am pants at remembering to send Birthday cards.  See what I did there?! 

Monday, 11 February 2013

For those of you not subscribed to the newsletter ( shame on you ) Dr Digi's latest releases may
have passed you by. Just so you know what all the cool kids are talking about, here they are just
for you, you lucky people.

Duncan Disorderly   And       Wash Day     

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Duncan Disorderly

Old hippies, such as flower child Duncan Disorderly from Dr. Digi's House of Stamps, never die, they just take slower trips around the senior citizens' home spreading peace and love! 
Still a worthwhile message! 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Hosepipe Ban

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It was about this time last year that news reporters started looking at the state of our water supply here in Blighty, with dried up rivers & depleted reservoirs. Within 2 months we were plunged into a nationwide hosepipe ban.
Cue 365 days worth of ‘ocean-filling’ rain fall.
Gardening Gus from Doctor Digi's House of Stamps can put that dodgy hosepipe back in the shed and while you’re there you might want to dig out your rainmac.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Wash Day Blues

Well actually in this case I think it might be Wash Day Pinks with a touch of green! Spring is coming (Hopefully) and with a few sunny days and some stiff breezes it's time to get that washing out. You can find Wash Day HERE, one of the latest stamps from the magic pencil of Dr Digii in his House of Cards.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Flirtin' With Furniture...

Oh snap! I did it again. As serious as I may try to be, there's just something so fun about these terrific images at Dr. Digi's House of Stamps, you can't contain the comical outbursts.   Here is a very clean and simple card using the wonderful Armchair image from the Bits n' Bobs section at the Dr.'s Store and a little flirty love note written on my PC.
I think it makes a very fun and flirty masculine card for Valentine's Day. What say ye?
Thanks so much for your visit and ya'll have a great one!
Hugs n' Happy Stamping...
Lisa x

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Bedside Manner

Here I am with my first post for Dr Digi and it is a real honour to join the small but perfectly formed team!  I will be your Girl Tuesday and to start it off, here is Night Nurse Nina with her most favoured expression.

It's one of those looks that can be applied in almost any clinical situation.  Especially if she's holding a rather large needle.  And yes, she's been heard to say, in a rather bored and patronising voice, 'it's only a little scratch' whilst jabbing the flabby white rear end of a poor male patient.  And hiding her smirk.

If you want to know more about how I've recycled and cunningly stolen items from my youngest child to make this card, pop over to my blogNo children have been distressed in the process (only because he doesn't know yet!)

Monday, 4 February 2013

Design Team News

February brings good news and bad news. The good news is we have a very
welcome addition to the House of Stamps. Ruth C (or Tip Top if you prefer) is
joining the team. She'll be taking up residency as girl Tuesday so fingers crossed
we should see her first post tomorrow... Till then you might want to take a
peek at her blog. HERE
The Sad news is Lisa M is stepping down from the DT at the end of the month.
Lisa's been great fun, made some amazing cards and been an incredible team member.
The whole DT is very sad to see her go and wish her lots of luck in her future plans.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Feet Up and a Cuppa

Today we find Feet Up and a Cuppa from Dr. Digi's House of Stamps relaxing while waiting for the Super Bowl to begin! Too bad his daughter-in-law forgot to tell him that forty members of her opera club would be arriving at game time to start rehearsing for the upcoming spring concert! Poor Ambrose, he's going to need something other than tea in his cup!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Sick Man Alert!

Poor chap.
With the weekend looming, his wife’s downstairs putting the finishing touches to his ever-growing ‘To Do’ list.
The sight of it earlier had bought him out in a cold sweat but now it’s full-blown man-flu.
He’s a man for goodness sake!!!
One job at a time.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Pride and Joy

What a great day at the local fair, first prize to Farmer Giles' favourite sheep. Of course I felt duty bound to switch you for ewe, never one to miss a corny Hallmark moment! You can find Pride and Joy HERE plus lots of other fabulous digis; the design team also have Dr Digi's nose to the grindstone creating more images!